Need to move slower? Faster? This curriculum adapts!
Posted by Mollie Shaw on
Professor B is ideal for both accelerated learners and slower learners.
The textbook and PowerPoint versions are scripted for you to read and interact with the learner. Many of the lessons involve repetitive games that build conceptual understanding as well as mental flexibility around the mathematical idea being presented. The exercises instruct you to practice to the point of facility - ease, confidence, fluency - then move on! You can camp on any lesson for one day or for a week or even longer!
This program has been highly successful with children who have struggled with traditional presentation methods in and out of the classroom. The sequence of skills is not traditional. For example, addition and subtraction are introduced at the same time, for kindergarteners from the very beginning with Chart 1. The idea of manipulating items within a group are taught using the child's fingers and they do not use their fingers for single digit counting!
The unique order of skills, and the self-paced approach allows most average learners to progress through the program at about 2 to 3 grade levels within one school year. Many complete Levels 1, 2, and 3 in about three to four years. This covers skills covered in Kindergarten through sixth or seventh grades.
Kids who learn the Professor B way have deep understanding of the math concepts and do not depend on rote memorization of facts or algorithms to "do" their math. They are active and proactive in the way they approach problems. Words problems are often easier than symbolic problems.
Used as a supplement to traditional math curriculums, Professor B math is often recommended as warm-ups or review games which complete the children's understanding and fill in any gaps, creating quick and confident mental math calculations. It helps them see mistakes or identify answers that just don't make sense.
Professor B Math must be used in its own sequence because each lesson builds and grows organically out of the one that comes before it. However, it is so easy to adapt to the pace and needs of any type of learner.
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- Tags: knowing number, math, Math curriculum, Math programs, number sense, Professor B, Professor B Math, teaching math, teaching one through ten, tutoring