Professor B Mathematics
A different method to teach and learn math. Become a master teacher and watch your students succeed.
If you lack confidence and struggle with teaching mathematics...
Hi! I’m Mollie Shaw. It is my passion to equip teachers and parents with brain-based learning strategies. I would love to connect with you, to enhance your student’s performance, whether they’re a struggling learner or not.
3 Keys to Transforming Math: From Meaningless to Mastered!
3 strategies you can start using in your homeschool TOMORROW to immediately see a difference in how your kids process their mental math.

No rote memorization
Professor B methodology does not rely on strict memorization - only meaningful strategies! Kids see the mathematical concepts strongly connected from one to the next, as they develop new skills.

Based on neuroscience
The research shows kids find math easier and easier to learn as their brain gets stronger! Professor B focuses on stimulating and developing the parts of the brain needed to learn math: the parietal and prefrontal lobes of the brain.

Power of Story
Compelling language creates context and meaning. Professor B uses the power of story to connect meaning and develop a student’s ability to verbally explain connections and relationships between math skills.

The “A-Ha” Moment Behind Why Math Skills Work
Oral rehearsal
Kids do the talking! Social learning theory WORKS and oral rehearsal is how it happens.
Scripted and self-paced
The word-for-word scripts provided for the teacher allows for manageable classroom pacing and maximum results.
Interactive and fun
No boring busy work! Ideal for struggling learners AND accelerated whiz kids. The lessons are all multi-sensory and provide multiple strategies for each skill.
Built-in teacher training
The Professor B system for teacher training is rooted in proven best practices that will transform your ability to teach math. You’ll be trained in strategies to help students bridge what they know now onward to the next skill!
And fair warning, you might just find yourself with friends asking you to tutor their kids in math!

Scripted, word-for-word ways to teach math... even if you weren't a good math student yourself, feel unprepared, and lack confidence.
Shop Course Catalog“They come into class ready to learn and it’s just a joy to watch children enjoying math.”
Learn MoreWhat does success look like to you?

“The results were astonishingly good..”
It was claimed that fifth and sixth graders took the ninth grade algebra regents exams and scored, on average, twelve points higher than the ninth graders. Surely, it was a fraud! I began looking at the data and found that it was TRUE. I was stunned.
Mark Stoltzberg,Educational Psychologist

“Professor B was so instrumental in my learning in my own education as a mathematics teacher.”
I saw him at a National Council for Teachers of Mathematics conference in New Orleans in 2004. My brain exploded so much during that session and I literally could not sleep that night. I was one who did well in math. I was the student who did what the teacher said and could make the A on the tests and I could do the procedures. But, even as a math educator, THE WHY WAS NOT THERE for me, (in many instances). He talked about the contextual learner and using stories to help students make connections and build meaning, rather than learning by rote memorization, such as with math facts. [Dr. Barrett] unlocked something for me and I just hope for more people to experience what I experienced.
Johnette Roberts Ballard,Certified Elementary Mathematics Specialist
NBCT- Early Adolescence Mathematics
Teach 4 L.I.F.E. Enterprise, LLC
This system has worked for thousands of people, from all backgrounds teaching math… and it will work for you, too!
Shop Course CatalogA Message of Hope from Mollie Shaw
"I think this might be the answer. Not just for my kids, but for me."

“Bringing ‘MAGIC’ to math.”

“...a phenomenal increase in just one and a half years.”

“...helps children develop strong conceptual understanding.”

“If you are home-schooling... this product is a must.”

Jamaica Story
Dr. Everard Barrett was commissioned to a UNESCO mission in mathematics education at the request of foreign governments in 1980. Following the World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand during March, 1990, he was invited to present his methodology at the first seminar held by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in its search for "fresh, theoretically grounded methodologies for addressing fundamental educational requirements" (such as those identified at Jomtien) The one and one-half day session, on "Innovative Approaches to Meeting Basic Learning Needs" was convened at UNDP Headquarters, New York, in January, 1991. Everard was one of four presenters. Participants were educational specialists and program staff from international agencies such as UNDP. UNESCO, the World Bank, UNICEF, bilateral agencies and institutes. The Director of UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) attended throughout the duration of the seminar.
The directors of IIEP and UNDP were sufficiently influenced by his presentation to refer him to the Chief of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, for the purpose of initiating a UNDP-sponsored project in Jamaica, W.I.
The pilot phase of the project was completed during Summer, 1992. After receiving training in Everard's methodology, sixteen mathematics lecturers from local Teachers' Colleges enabled 94% of 265 practicing primary teachers to pass a qualifying examination in mathematics which the vast majority of them had failed repeatedly. The teachers received instruction from the lecturers for five days per week through five weeks. The highest passing rate ever achieved previously (since 1981), by a similar population of primary teachers under the same circumstances, was only 20%. In fact, the highest passing rate ever achieved previously by a population of mixed ability was 60%. By means of similar projects during the Summers of 1993 and 1994, the remaining population of practicing teachers unqualified to teach was reduced to an insignificantly small number. A national problem has been solved.

Commissioned by UNESCO, Professor B Transforms Caribbean Teacher Training
Dr. Everard Barrett, the creator and founder of Professor B Math, was commissioned to a UNESCO mission in mathematics education at the request of foreign governments in 1980.
After a captivating presentation to participants of the inaugural seminar held by the United Nations Development Program, Dr. Barrett was invited to complete a pilot project in Jamaica with the intention of enabling primary teachers to pass the qualifying exam in mathematics, which boasted a dismal 20% passing rate.
By the end of the summer in 1992, after instruction and immersion in Dr. Barrett’s methodology, the passing rate was 94%. By the end of 1994, the passing rate was over 99%.
A national teaching crisis had been solved.
Rescue your children from fear and failure in mathematics, build your confidence as a teacher, and have FUN in the process.
Shop Course CatalogWhat is Trinity Harbor Education?
Our Mission:
Trinity Harbor Education exists to equip parents and teachers with brain-based strategies for teaching children of all achievement levels. Our training and products will not only improve your students' achievement but it will increase their CAPACITY for learning. We use some of the latest research in the neuroscience of learning to implement therapeutic techniques for building brain-power! Let us show you what we do!
Teacher & Parent Training
We provide virtual and live workshops and trainings for teachers and parents for brain-based strategies to help all low, average, and gifted students. Topics include classical composition, elementary mathematics, struggling readers, and developing executive functions.
Professor B
We produce Professor B books, workbooks, Powerpoints, and training videos carrying on the inspiring and powerful legacy of Professor Everard Barrett. This unique curriculum changes lives.
About Us!
We help students get caught up, and quickly! Our curriculum and resources enable parents and teachers to accelerate students' learning - improving their ability, and self-confidence, by aligning instruction methodology with modern brain research!