Struggling Learner?
Posted by Mollie Shaw on
Trinity Harbor Education Services was launched in February 2016 by Mollie Shaw, B.S. Ed., Texas A&M University. Mollie Shaw has taught in public, private and home school group settings for over 25 years. She specializes in secondary language arts and is an Educational Therapist with the National Institute for Learning Differences (NILD).
Key Components of NILD Educational Therapy:
The focus of our one-on-one and small-group, individualized interventions is to strengthen the underlying causes of learning difficulties, rather than simply treating the symptoms as tutoring does.
NILD educational therapy is a true therapy in that it aims the intervention just above the student’s current level of functioning and raises expectations for performance, which creates the framework to foster that growth.
NILD therapy students become competent, confident learners. They gain mastery over their cognitive vulnerabilities and hone their cognitive strengths for success in the classroom and in life. (see NILD website)
Our Services
- One-on-One Educational Therapy
The goal of NILD Educational Therapy® is to help students develop tools for independent learning in the classroom and in life.
- Discovery Group Therapy
Tutors have had special training from NILD to utilize specific techniques for either Reading or Math for small group interventions. Groups of 4-6 students meet two times per week at a school location to develop cognitive strategies and content mastery in either reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies) or math (number sense, conceptual understanding, fluency, math vocabulary, and problem solving strategies). Methods include Socratic questioning, multi-sensory, dynamic activities, games and mediated learning experience.
Both one-on-one and group educational therapy programs may extend for 1 to 3 years, depending on the student. These interventions are appropriate for students with and without diagnosed specific learning disabilities. Testing for enrollment is required and groups will be controlled for age and ability to maximize results.
- One-on-One Tutoring
Tutors with experience in particular subject areas will work with students who are struggling with a particular class. These tutors will be learning how to incorporate the Socratic questioning, multi-sensory, games and mediated learning experience techniques by way of training that they have received from our therapists. These sessions meet for 55 minutes at a public library or coffee shop. This tutoring is billed by the month and lasts as long as the student needs it.
Pricing and Format
- Educational Therapy – Meets twice a week for 80 minute sessions. 60 sessions per school calendar year.
- Discovery Group Therapy- This is contracted through a hosting school. Payment will be made to the school or homeschool organization which is hosting. These groups meet two times per week for 45 minutes. 50 sessions per school calendar year.
- One-on-One Tutoring – 55 minute sessions, cost based on tutor qualifications and student needs.
- Other Services – Academic and Diagnostic Testing and Home School advising are also available.