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Executive Functions 101 - Keeping positive

Posted by Mollie Shaw on

 Use positive and specific praise.  Be sure to say "Well organized!" "Good focusing today." "I like how you put those papers back neatly." "You worked diligently."  The goal is to try for at least 7 positive and specific acknowledgments of effective executive functioning for every correction.  

Here are some ways to support their executive functions:

Initiating:  "Hey, you got started without me telling you what to do!  Well done."

Organizing: "You emptied the dishwasher with everything in its place. So helpful."

Prioritizing:  "I like how you put Math before English today since it was more ___." 

Prioritizing: "Which subject should we start with today?" "

Planning: "You always have your clothes for the gym in your backpack. I never have to remind you or check anymore." 


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