Homeschool Consultation and Curriculum Services
Designed to address the whole child, including emotional, social, spiritual and physical, this program will give you the one-on-one advise and support of an experienced home educator and learning specialist. Sign up for one school year (9 months) of home school support. Your package includes 1) Initial meeting with goal setting, informal assessment of students, and services agreement; 2) 6 weeks of lesson plans and curriculum guide for each student; 3) 18 biweekly 30 minute phone calls; and 4) 8 monthly 2 hour home visits. During each home visit, you will receive a written assessment of each student's progress per subject and specific suggestions for the next month.
Cost is variable per family situation and is priced per student. The average hourly rate is $65 per hour and the average hours per school year are 32-36 hours of planning or meeting in your home. The rate goes down with multiple students. An estimate would be $2200 for one student. The second and subsequent students would be half rate at $1100 each.
Note: The only days that I am able to come your home is on Fridays or Saturdays for home visits. Fort Worth, Texas greater area